Comwell's Proactive IT Support Ensures Smooth Operations and Predictable Budgeting Since 2001

Comwell has provided our company with IT support since 2001. We are very satisfied with their expert knowledge and their prompt and efficient responses to our various IT issues. Their pro-active approach on software and hardware repairs and replacement allows us to watch for upcoming issues and plan our annual IT budget accordingly.

Vancouver Financial Planning Consultants Inc.

Jacob Bros Praises 14-Year Partnership with Comwell Systems for Outstanding IT Support and Service 

Jacob Bros has been working with Comwell Systems for over 15 years. In that time, we have come to greatly rely on Comwell as a trusted business partner to serve all of our IT needs. With over 150 users and several remote sites, it can be a real challenge to keep up with our daily demands. Comwell has proven to be more than up to the challenge. There responsiveness and quality control are second to none. We find their system for users to open trouble tickets to be an invaluable tool.

We are approached by other services providers on a regular basis, but know the quality and timely service we receive from Comwell would be tough to beat. We highly recommend the Comwell Team.

Jacob Bros Construction

Over 15 Years of Expert Technology Guidance for Garaventa, Delivering Timely, Cost-Effective Solutions

Comwell has been guiding and leading Garaventa in Technology for over 15 years. Their team have only the best interests of the company at all times and recommendations have proven to be a good fit and cost effective for Garaventa . All projects were done on time and on budget, support is professional and provided in a timely fashion, especially in critical times. A great company to have your back.

Garaventa Canada Ltd.

Effortless Flow and Fast Solutions: Comwell's Hands-On Monthly Management Service

Comwell’s monthly management services provides our business with an effortless flow.

Comwell provides a hands-on service, works efficiently and fast to provide solutions.

Fidelity Denim

10 Years of Exceptional Service: How Comwell Systems Group Supported Us Through the Pandemic with Unmatched Performance and Customer Care

We have been partnered up with Comwell Systems Group for over 10 years now. We are extremely happy with their overall performance and customer service. The true test came during the Covid pandemic, helping us with all our needs in their usual quick & efficient manner. We would highly recommend Comwell to any that ask, and we look forward to working with Comwell for many more years to come.

Tru-Line Drafting Services